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Neuss, 21. November 2024
Innovative 3D-Übungszähne: Neue Dimension des praktischen Lernens
Mit neuen naturgetreuen 3D-Übungszähnen möchte Hager & Meisinger Studierenden die Möglichkeit geben, ihr Theoriewissen besser in die Praxis umzusetzen. Die neuen myteeth-Übungszähne bieten realistische Darstellungen von Zahnstrukturen, Pathologien und Befunden, so dass verschiedene klinische Situationen gezielt eingeübt werden können.
The new Bracket Plus polishers have been specially designed for the gentle and efficient removal
of adhesive residues, bonding points of light-curing adhesives and chemically curing 2-component
adhesive systems. One advantage is that residue-free cleaning and polishing
can be carried out with the same instrument, making it unnecessary to change instruments
. This makes the treatment, which is often perceived as unpleasant by the patient,
gentler, more time-saving and more economical and efficient for the practitioner. If necessary,
can also be combined with suitable carbide instruments. In addition,
the polishers can be reprocessed and used several times, which further reduces the costs per treatment
The instruments are available in four
different shapes and two sizes each for the treatment of anterior teeth, molars and premolars. A low working pressure at
5,000 to 7,000 min-1 and the use of sufficient spray cooling are recommended.
Neuss, 28. Juni 2024
Neue Bracket Polierer machen KFO-Behandlungen komfortabler und effizienter
Hager & Meisinger erweitert sein rotierendes Produktportfolio um vier innovative Instrumente für kieferorthopädische Behandlungen. Die neuen MEISINGER Bracket Plus Polierer ermöglichen eine rückstandslose Abtragung von Kleberesten und Politur mit nur einem Instrument. Der oft als unangenehm empfundene Prozess am Ende von KFO-Behandlungen wird so für Patienten deutlich angenehmer und zeitsparender gestaltet.
The new Bracket Plus polishers have been specially designed for the gentle and efficient removal
of adhesive residues, bonding points of light-curing adhesives and chemically curing 2-component
adhesive systems. One advantage is that residue-free cleaning and polishing
can be carried out with the same instrument, making it unnecessary to change instruments
. This makes the treatment, which is often perceived as unpleasant by the patient,
gentler, more time-saving and more economical and efficient for the practitioner. If necessary,
can also be combined with suitable carbide instruments. In addition,
the polishers can be reprocessed and used several times, which further reduces the costs per treatment
The instruments are available in four
different shapes and two sizes each for the treatment of anterior teeth, molars and premolars. A low working pressure at
5,000 to 7,000 min-1 and the use of sufficient spray cooling are recommended.